2022 Schedule
Venture Capital 501: Startup + Investor Matchmaking
A curated meeting of active investors and startups will be the capstone of the DSW venture funding bootcamp day. The first part of the event (3p - 5p) is open only to investors and startups, followed by a happy hour open to all.
What to Expect:
The invite-only portion will feature investors at tables and open networking opportunities for startups to wander and meet the investors. Ahead of the event, startups will receive a list of the investors that are attending, and vice-versa. At the event, we’ll provide a map of where investors can be found, as well as more information about what they are looking for in startups.
We've reached capacity for this event. Thank you for your interest. We have a small venue this year and hopefully next year we can do a bigger event.
Hosts: Matchstick Ventures, Range Ventures, Springtime Ventures, Stout Street Capital, UNMET Conference