2022 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 20
9:30am — 11:00am
Downtown Denver Partnership Board Room
111 attending

Doing Business in an Increasingly Unpredictable World – How UK & Colorado Companies are Stepping Up

We all know how tumultuous the past few years have been. A pandemic, climate change, and now the Russian invasion of Ukraine have all prompted questions around how technology can provide solutions to global crises and help humanity when we need it most.

Join us in this conversation with Colorado and British companies to discuss how technology can play a role in conflict resolution, public health, and other globalisation challenges. We’ll discuss how companies are pivoting their business to address emerging opportunities, whether that’s using satellite imagery to track a humanitarian crisis, leveraging quantum technology for social good, or working to mitigate the impacts of climate change. We’ll also discuss what opportunities both the UK and Colorado can offer companies looking to not only grow successful technology companies but also to do so in an increasingly unpredictable world.

This conversation will be moderated by John Frank, co-author of the Axios Denver newsletter. We will be joined by representatives from ColdQuanta, Maxar Technologies, Onfido, and what3words.