2021 Schedule

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Wednesday, Oct 6
9:00am — 10:00am
Virtual Panel
150 attending

#LikeABoss: Creating Organizations Where Women of Color Thrive

Have you ever led a team or major project and thought to yourself: ‘I wonder if everyone else knows that I don’t know what I’m doing?’ Leadership can be lonely and the imposter syndrome that accompanies it can be even more acute for women of color in start ups and lean organizations.

In the past year we’ve all asked ourselves hard questions about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in our communities and work places. In this session leaders with expertise in political campaigns, the corporate sector, and nonprofits will share their best practice for people of color and their champions for overcoming imposter syndrome, owning your worth, and creating a thriving culture.

Amanda Gonzalez
Hybrid Events for 2021
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