2021 Schedule
Friday, Oct 8
1:00pm — 2:00pm
Virtual Panel
56 attending
Your Voice Matters: the Business Benefits of Advocacy
Changes to state-level policy can have profound impacts on small businesses and entrepreneurs. That change can happen to us, or we can shape it. This panel will feature two former business owners turned state legislators along with two current business owners to talk about what advocacy means to them and
their role in shaping policies that impact our businesses. Advocacy is an opportunity for small business owners to achieve systemic change towards wealth equity and policies that support a vibrant startup community. If policy is going to work for someone, why not have it work for you?
Alejandro Flores
Jordan Pryczynski
Hybrid Events for 2021
Starting 5 minutes before a session is live, use the link below to join the live studio audience. If a session fills up, you can also check it out on YouTube Live, embedded below.