2020 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 15
11:00am — 12:00pm
Virtual Panel
159 attending

Returners: The employees you never knew you needed

There is a group of high achieving, talented applicants, many having held senior positions, who are often overlooked by companies. These potential employees are "Returners" who have left the workforce for extended periods of time to take care of children or other family members and friends. Returners can have very different needs from workers who never left. They can have gaps in their training, need help brushing up their interviewing technique and require more flexible hours.

What is it that companies can do to attract these valuable workers? What has worked and what needs work? Our panel is going to explore different experiences of returning to work, what they loved, what they not so much loved and if they made any friends along the way.

Kara Hafez, Product Manager at Quizlet
Remya Ravindran, Senior PQE Enigneer at Quizlet
Katie White, Softwre Engineer at CapTech

Dana White
Remya Ravindran
Kara Hafez
Katie White
Lee Cloud
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