2014 Schedule
Tuesday, Sep 16
9:00am — 10:30am
Galvanize (Golden Triangle) - No Sessions
152 attending
Tales from the Darkside: Android Development for iOS Developers
Love your iPhone? Think Android is a cheap knock off? I did too. As a longtime Apple user and iOS developer I recently embarked on a journey to learn Android development.
In this technical talk I will go over the pros and cons of each platform. We'll look at a handful of code samples demonstrating the similarities and differences between Android's Java APIs and iOS's Objective-C APIs.
Android has come a long way very quickly. Understanding it's user interaction paradigms and coding practices will make us better iOS users and developers.
Slides from this session are available at: https://speakerdeck.com/sdougherty/tales-from-the-darkside-android-development-for-ios-developers