2018 Schedule

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Monday, Sep 24
4:00pm — 5:30pm
INDUSTRY Stadium (Brighton Blvd)
576 attending

Ladies Night - Disruptors Panel - Embracing Failure

This year's Ladies Night panel will focus on embracing failure and using it as a means to not only reflect, but also to charge ahead.

According to time magazine, "When girls make mistakes, they’re more likely to interpret the setback as a sign they lack ability — a factor much harder for girls to change. Boys, on the other hand, tend to attribute failure to more controllable circumstances."

Annie Dunn, Vice President, Silicon Valley Bank - Technology Banking

Elizabeth Salomon, Chief Financial Officer, Xactly Corporation
Cheryl Kellond, CEO | Co-Founder, ApostropheHealth
Sandra McQueen, Co-founder/VP Marketing, Canvas Technology
Bijal Shah, Chief Product & Analytics Officer, Guild Education