2018 Schedule

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Wednesday, Sep 26
10:00am — 11:30am
Denver Place (Conference Room)
189 attending

Prototyping Overnight with Vue

There’s no time to waste when you’re a small team with big ideas, but nothing matters more than first impressions. Good news! The prototype you show to users, investors, and partners doesn’t need to trade functionality for a quick setup.

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that makes putting together a working site faster than you thought possible. Once you’re up and running, adding new libraries from the Vue.js ecosystem is easy, expanding the capabilities of your app. It has everything you need to go from overnight prototype to functioning pilot.

For this talk, we will describe key features of Vue.js and how it can help your team move faster during the prototype phase of your project. We’ll even be putting together an app right there and then, so you can see it happen.

CJ is an Educator, Full Stack Developer, Maker and co-organizer of the Denver Vue.js Meetup.
Marlena is a Developer, co-founder of Little Bird, and co-organizer of the Denver Vue.js Meetup.