2016 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 15
4:00pm — 6:00pm
Spotlight Track- Commons on Champa
93 attending

Design Thinking Workshop for Mental Health

Did you know that mental illness is four times as common among founders than the general population?

It’s time for the Colorado startup community to champion the cause for people living with mental illness. In 2014, we lost 1058 Coloradans to suicide, the seventh highest in the nation. Who would be better equipped to help our community than us? We’re agile, we’re creative, the core of our community is about solving problems, really, really hard problems. It’s time for us to start talking about how we’re going to solve this one.

The statistics of mental illness and its effects can be quite staggering. It’s the…

  • leading cause of global disability
  • third leading cause of death worldwide
  • second leading cause of death for Americans aged 10-24

Join us for a Design Thinking Workshop to address this issue that is impacting our community.