2015 Schedule

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Monday, Sep 28
4:00pm — 5:30pm
Galvanize (Platte - Atrium/Deck)
674 attending

Women Who Launch

Women Who Launch

A panel of 3 female founders who can shed more light on being a female entrepreneur while launching (and growing) a business in the tech industry. These three founders represent startups each in different stages of the business lifecycle (pre-rev, rev, and exit). Join us as they share their unique experiences and journeys.

Stephanie Maxwell, CEO & Founder of Sirvo www.twitter.com/gosirvo has successfully brought her business vision to life, going from concept to product launch in under a year. As a sole founder, she has proven to be an effective leader and operator by managing a growing team of six and spearheading the product launch with even more planned in the near future. Prior to founding the company Ms. Maxwell was the Marketing Director for Lotus Concepts, Inc., a nightlife and entertainment company, a successful model and later launched her own event staffing business.

Amy Baglan, CEO and Co-Founder of MeetMindful www.twitter.com/meetmindful the #1 dating site for healthy, conscious singles. Five years ago, she left a mobile marketing startup she helped launch in New York City (acquired in 2012) and bought a one-way ticket to India to explore the world. A year later, she moved to Denver and started her first business, YogaDates—an events company for like-minded singles—which was the catalyst for MeetMindful. She's now on a mission to evolve and re-inspire the dating industry by marrying the power of content with a niche social experience.

Jenna Walker, CEO and Co-Founder of Artifact Uprising https://twitter.com/ArtifactUprsng founded the company 3 years ago - just 6 months after her second daughter was born. The team took the company from concept to scale without additional outside investment - successfully bootstrapping their way to acquisition by Visual Supply Company (@vsco) at the end of 2014. Today, the team remains based in Denver, Colorado where Jenna, along with Co-Founder and sister Katie, continue to work to quickly to scale their e-commerce company and mission in both the USA and Europe. Prior to founding the company - the founders were professional photographers and had no experience running a technology driven business.

All 3 women currently operate out of http://www.galvanize.com/campuses/denver-platte/

Panel MC’s: