2015 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 29
8:00am — 9:30am
CSU - Denver
613 attending

Convertible, Crowdfunded & More: Financing Options for Early-Stage Founders

There is more than one way to finance your startup. Come join us for a panel discussion, where we will discuss several early-stage financing options, including the pros and cons of each.

The panel will be there to answer your questions about Convertible Notes, the different kinds of Equity Crowdfunding, and why founders shouldn't forget about Small Business Loans (and how to get them).

Moderated by: Jeremy Priest, Knotty Tie

Jose Vietez, Boomtown Accelerator
Sara Baris, SeedInvest
Brian Parks, P2BI
Ryan Howell, Rubicon Law
Alan Ramirez, Colorado Enterprise Fund