2021 Schedule

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Tuesday, Oct 5
2:00pm — 3:00pm
Virtual Panel
105 attending

Why you need a Product Coach

Are you on the hunt for a product role? Are you looking for reassurance that you’re building the right skills and experience now? Are you tired of endless Googling where you never find answers to your unique questions? Maybe you have a mentor, but you want more out of the relationship?

You should consider a product coach!

I’ve been in Product for over a decade and I started coaching in 2019. I’ve seen first-hand how coaching can ignite real momentum and growth for my clients. Join me and a few of my clients for a discussion on how coaching changed their professional lives for the better!

Megan Batdorf, PM https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-batdorf-2712a2b4
Jake Shanesy, Product Director https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacob-shanesy-63001b4b/
Stacie Velehradsky, Head of Product https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacievelehradsky/

Jess Sherlock
Stephen Grillos
Jacob Shanesy
Stacie Velehradsky
Megan Batdorf
Hybrid Events for 2021
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