2021 Schedule
Thursday, Oct 7
10:00am — 11:00am
Virtual Individual Presentation
88 attending
Migrate Big Data to Microservice: How We Moved Mountain of One Hundred Billion Records
With the hyper-growth business, we at Quizlet are seeing our data increasing at incredible speed. To give you an idea - our study activity data has doubled from 60 billion records to nearly 120 billion records in about 2 years. Our monolithic architecture, despite well serving Quizlet's business needs for years, starts to experience difficulties handling this level of scale. Microservice comes to rescue - it allows us to choose the most suitable technology to handle the scalability issue. However, building the service is just the step one. The hardest part lies in the migration from monolith to microservice. Come join us to learn more about how we migrated to microservices with this scale of data safely and successfully.
Josh Rai
Dan Sulfaro
Hybrid Events for 2021
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