2021 Schedule
Tuesday, Oct 5
1:00pm — 2:30pm
Virtual Panel
117 attending
Baby on Board: Thriving in Business as a Parent
Starting a business is hard. Running a business is hard. Doing all of those things at the same time is enough to make you want to change your name and join the witness protection program just to get away. A million people have advice about “balancing” your business and your family, but we all know that most of that stuff is BS. Join us for a panel of real business owners and parents who have learned to thrive not in spite of being parents, but because they are parents. We’ll discuss how to successfully navigate parenthood and build a thriving business.
Kimberly Ford
Julius Hinton
Leah Meyers
Tangia Estrada
Mat Vogels
Sarah Duran
Hybrid Events for 2021
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