2021 Schedule

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Thursday, Oct 7
12:00pm — 1:30pm
Virtual Workshop
270 attending

Surviving is over...it’s time to THRIVE! Overcoming Burnout

It's time to take account of what's not working. Many of us are depleted, burned out, stressed, unfulfilled and barely surviving post pandemic. Instead, it's time we THRIVE again. Thriving comes from DAILY care, DAILY awareness, and DAILY mental excellence. After a challenging year and half - we're all struggling with what's next and how to thrive again at work and at home. We need tools to turn things around and it all starts with managing our minds and our bodies. Join us for a workshop on how to leverage both the physical & mental resilience you need in order to THRIVE both at work & home.

Presenters: Ron Duren Jr. & Tara O'Brien work together as coaches, consultants and corporate trainers on one of today's biggest challenges for people, regardless of title and industry...and that is 'Burnout'. They know there is no way to erase burnout in a world that is ever-changing, completely uncertain, and where the road to success can seem never ending. Instead their work in the fields of neuroscience and behavior change is about collecting the tools that everyone can use to 'manage' burnout. They teach these concepts to their students at the University of Colorado in Boulder...and they bring them into the boardrooms, startup companies, corporations and 1:1 coaching calls to arm people with tools and knowledge around this topic.

Ron Duren
Hybrid Events for 2021
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