2018 Schedule

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Thursday, Sep 27
11:00am — 9:00pm
Jerry Maguire Video Store
22 attending

The Jerry Maguire Video Experience

Everything Is Terrible! (EIT!) is bringing their insane Jerry Maguire VHS collection to Denver for Startup Week! Come and be in the presence of thousands and thousands of Jerrys! It will change your life forever! This exclusive vision into the Jerry Maguire VHS project will be open at 1432 Market Street for only 5 days, Monday 9/24 through Friday 9/28, from 11-3 and 5-9!

EIT!, the video and performance collective known for 11 years of daily re-edited VHS-based web videos and their psychedelic features and live shows, has also quietly amassed the world’s largest collection of Jerry Maguire VHS tapes. This absurd piece of long form performance art has been achieved solely through fan donations, with a current total of approximately 23,000 once beloved video tapes. Please bring your Jerrys so they too may be saved!

This is the stupidest incarnation of the American dream.


Special Thanks For Providing the Space:
Urban Villages

Larimer Square