2017 Schedule

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Tuesday, Sep 26
10:00am — 12:00pm
DLR Group
182 attending

Serving the Mobile Masses in Real Time

We know you've seen this picture - dozens of people walking down 16th street mall with their faces buried in their phones and no awareness of their surroundings. We have become a 'mobile' society. Consumers are tied more and more to their mobile devices (Smartphones, Tablets, Smartwatches, etc.) for every menial task. As a result, it is most important for advertisers to reach customers at the right location and with the right ad. This panel will discuss the technologies used in mobile and location-based advertising including geo-fencing, mobile retargeting via past locations, and attribution of a mobile campaign with in-store visits. Additional client-based touch points may include: understanding the difference between cookie-based targeting and device-ID targeting, analysis of the technology vendors in the market, and what works best in which situations for agencies and brands alike.