2016 Schedule
Denver New Tech
Colorado’s largest meetup with over 12,000 members is excited to bring you something new. We’re going to begin celebrating the unsung heroes of the startup community. The first employee's, the engineers, the creatives, the idea people, and the growth hackers. Don’t panic New Tech is not giving up on founders and startups we’re just adding the rest of the team to our events. BUT wait there’s more, we're going to release these conversations as podcasts so people outside our community can learn why Colorado is the best place to start and grow a company. Join us and together we will celebrate the people and companies that make the Colorado startup community amazing.
The celebrations begin in September during DSW and recordings will be done privately and live on stage. if you would like to honor one of your teams heroes - give us the deets at https://bdnt.typeform.com/to/tz75B9