2015 Schedule

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Thursday, Oct 1
2:00pm — 3:30pm
Spotlight Track- Commons on Champa
676 attending

How to work remotely, effectively.

Working with remote colleagues and clients is becoming the new norm. Being remote certainly has its advantages (and disadvantages). Our panel of founders, leaders, and developers will share their tips, tricks, and opinions on how to be most effective when working outside of the typical office environment.

This panel is hosted by Goosetail, a Boulder based design and development company specializing in creating bespoke web-based applications for clients in a variety of industries. The Goosetail team operates as a “Results Only Work Environment” in which employees have the freedom to choose when and where they accomplish their work. Our team collaborates with clients across the country and regularly delivers web-apps on time and on budget, surpassing our clients’ expectations.

The Moderator:
Andrew Holsted - Senior Developer, Goosetail
Andrew leads a variety of projects that require virtual collaboration between clients and engineers. With his focus on quality, and facing the challenges of remote workers, he has become an expert in keeping remote teams running effectively and efficiently.

The Panel:
Anthony Hildoer - Principal Engineer, BlueRival Software | @hildoer
Anthony is an entrepreneur and software engineer who began working remote successfully over 3 years ago. In that time, he lead an entirely virtual team as a senior software architect for JustFab, Inc. and a number of other engineering projects.

Chris Montrois - Frontend Engineer, Slack | @montlebalm
Chris is a salty developer who's spent the last 10 years building websites for numerous industries including healthcare, education, and finance. Chris and his colleagues continue to work remotely with great success.

Mark Healey - Technical Director, Parent Co. | @markhealy
Mark has more than 15 years of experience building web and mobile software in industries from government to finance and has successfully managed local, domestic, and international dev teams.

Kevin Dodson - Managing Partner, Saltbox Studio | @sboxstudio
Kevin is a product innovator who spent the last 15 years creating and launching technology products and services utilizing virtual teams.